A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Saturday, February 18, 2012

CMA SOCAL Seasons of Refreshing

Had a great day at Seasons of Refreshing.  Good if boring ride up there (making time on the freeway).  Great time catching up and preparing for the meeting, then got to lead the new members' class.  Seeing the CMA Ministry Training DVDs reminded me of how solid the basic training we have as a motorcycle ministry is.  I'd encourage all "old" members review the DVDs, VHS or audio cassettes they have or can borrow.  Hey, we've been around a while, but I don't think there are 8-track team training tapes, but I may be wrong!

On the way home, decided to take the Ortega Highway over to the 15 instead of just retracing I-5 to 78 to the 15 yet again.  Good ride as I managed to get across before dark.  Caught up with a long string of cars coming down into Lake Elsinore, but slowing down was ok, as the wind was pretty gusty and the bike wanted to stand back up if I didn't lean it into the curves forcefully.  That's never fun-do that when the gust lets up, and you may be into the other lane, or worse the mountain, or even worse, off the road on the "downhill" side.  After a quick stop to take off sunglasses and put on sweatshirt, rolled home in time for supper.

Overall a good and blessed day!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mira Mesa (CA) Bike Night tonight and the rain should be gone!

It's another Thursday, and the weather is getting better here in San Diego.  After about a week of off and on rain it should be clear by tonight.  Mira Mesa Bike Night is on, starts at 7PM/1900 but really gets going at 8 or so.  Here's a link to the FB page: MM Bike Night page with more info, posts and pictures.  The address is 10720 Westview Parkway, but it's easiest just to look for the Mimi's Restaurant on the corner where Westview and Mira Mesa intersect near the I-15 (on the southwest side).

All clubs, all bikes, all riders welcome.  Some of the local restaurants offer discounts, there is a Cold Stone, and, of course, a Starbucks!  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Anybody getting any riding in?

Wow, we have had enough yucky days in a row here in San Diego to make me think I'm just going to have to risk riding in the rain to get some miles in before this weekend!  We've had about a week and a half of the closest thing to winter we get out here.

Any body getting some warm and dry weather, or riding in the cold and wet?  I'm going to tomorrow probably.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hello (hello, hello) is there anybody out there?

Amazingly, I am approaching 100 visits without any comments since restarting this blog.  Is it all auto-scanners and bots?  Don't know much about how blogs and search engine scanners work, and I'm using this blog to both post info and learn about blogs.