A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Today's riding and wrenching

This morning I did one of my usual loops just to get a ride in.  I'll post more when it's not so late, but it was a good ride.  I enjoy this 40 or so mile loop when I get a chance to ride it either as part of a longer ride or for a quick hour or so break.

I also removed the main fairing and main fairing bracket from the Connie for some repairs.  The bracket has a couple of cracks in it and needs welding back together.  This area has obviously had some work beforehand.  My neighbor is going to clean it up and see what he can do.  I routinely remove the main fairing from the bracket and then remove the bracket if needed and made a short video on how I do that.  I probably won't post it for a week or so however as it needs some editing and I'll be away from the computer I do that with for a little while.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Not riding today, but it's not because the San Diego weather-guessers were wrong

Being a weather forecaster on TV in Southern California has only one requirement: Look good while saying that the weather is going to be nice once again.  I don't know where unattractive weather girls and boys go, but it sure isn't here.  So you'd think the one chance, the one and only chance, the one time there is a possibility of rain they'd get it right, and it would be raining buckets.


Sky is 98% clear this afternoon, not a drop to ease our drought and it's another Chamber of Commerce/Tourism Board kind of day here in San Diego.

I was planning on riding anyway-unless it actually pours out here I've ridden, and I've ridden in what passes for a downpour before too.  But about ten minutes before I left the house this morning, my wife texts and said we might need you to use your truck today.  Huh?  Turns out yet again this year my mother-in-law's after school program has about 40 pounds of excess Halloween candy turned in by parents.  Even more importantly, once the kids found out it would go to injured vets and homeless families, they even shared some of their "picked out" candies.  WAY TOO MUCH for the saddlebags of the Connie, so I shift plans and get the shop truck loaded up and head over to the school.

Tons of candy.  Billions and billions of calories.  Chocolate.  Gum.  Fruit chewy stuff.  More chocolate.  Pretzels and cheese puffs in little bags.

So I took about 1/3 of it to the Wounded Warrior Battalions at Naval Hospital San Diego, aka Balboa.  Short visit today, but as always, something in the air as I walk out gets in my eyes.  Happens every time-maybe I should talk with some of my Navy Doc and Corpsmen friends about the air quality around the building.....


Hoo Yah EOD and thank you, my brothers and sisters.  Enjoy the candy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Return of the BikeBandit.com Daily Deal and a chance to win a $5,000 Alpinestars shopping spree

Yeah, while  the Daily Deal might have gotten your attention the chance to win big bucks probably grabbed you!

First, here's today's Daily Deal:  An Arctiva Comp 7 RR Shell Jacket at an up to 52% off!  As a closeout item, limited sizes and colors are available, so hurry on over to BikeBandit.com and check out your favorite and get one while they last.  At the time of this post, only large sizes in black remain at $109.95-a good saving and this qualifies for free shipping.  Lots of sizes remain in blue with red trim and the high-vis orange jacket, and both these colors are priced at over 1/2 off at $79.95.  Throw in an oil filter, some other accessories and get over the threshold for free shipping and you get a great deal!

Ok, now for the details on the Alpinestars contest.  Buy $100 of Alpinestars products before shipping and tax (hmm, I bet most qualifying purchases might also qualify for free shipping!) and you are automatically entered.  So whether you need new boots for desert and dirt season, a new jacket for cool weather riding, replacement sliders and buckles, or just some cool Alpinestars swag, click on any of the BikeBandit.com links or banners on this blog, do some shopping, and you could win a $5,000 shopping spree!  Just imagine how much more cool Alpinestars gear you could have for yourself, your friends, and yes, your faithful blogger!

Ride it like you stole it-unless you stole it, then give it back and buy your own bike!

Monday, November 10, 2014

You might be a motorcyclists if....

I rode my 86 Connie to the Starbucks nearest my house this morning to work.  I work at Starbucks some days but not for Starbucks, like many people do.  So when I finished up and was about to ride home to check for some mail, see who needed lunch and just generally take a break I decided to take advantage of another beautiful Southern California fall day.  Yep, nearly perfect weather, so instead of riding the 1.1 miles or so to the house I took my quick loop.  Out of Poway on Scripps-Poway Parkway, up 67 north to Poway Road, down the twisty portion of Poway grade then back around to the house.  Only about a 13 mile detour and especially nice today.  Air was crystal clear, I was the "lead vehicle" down Poway grade (yes!) and got to see the whole family at the house before lunch.

Two quick updates:

It's always going to be something keeping the 1986 on the road to 100K!  Now that the electrical gremlins have been found and chased off, the old petcock seems to be seeping a small amount of fuel.  Gonna fix that tonight-I've got a few extra petcocks sitting around and am low enough on gas that tilting the tank should allow me to fix it without too much mess.

The BikeBandit Daily Deal page seems to not be updating, but numerous sales continue on the site, especially helmets.  Follow a banner ad from this blog and I get a small cut as an affiliate marketer, and a portion of that will go to Movember.  Thanks!