A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Quick post and preview of upcoming attractions

Just a quick note to keep posting.  Had a good "mileage run" ride today to start testing and prepping for an IronButt ride later this year.  Was able to get a 50 mile up and back run on I-15 in just under 50 minutes, including some in-town riding.  So factoring in gas and food stops equating to the in-town legs, this is doable once I get in long-distance riding shape.  I'm guessing core strength, optimally fitted gear, and a few chiropractor visits are in order.

Ok, coming attractions:

Feature articles on riders-both some guys and some female riders pushing the boundaries back.  This is both to give props to these ladies-one a racer, one a group organizer, and one a MSF instructor (hopefully) as they are using their skills and personalities to make riding better for all of us.

Also, I'm going to migrate a devotional I used to send out via e-mail to it's own blog.  Some of you may have received it in the past.  It's called "Thursday Thoughts" and today may be the first post.  If not I'll debut it next Thursday.

Some new maintenance videos on YouTube like this old one:

The Connie needs a new front tire from BikeBandit pretty soon, and the Sportster needs some motorcycle maintenance and repair.
OK, got to go, so ride safe, look out for and love one another.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rule #5 of building a blog following

A few blogs about blogging have lists of ways to get to 1,000,000 blog hits quickly-within a year, two years etc.

Well, one list that keeps getting referenced has what has become a bit of an inside joke:  Rule #5.  Rule #5 basically says any chance you get, post pictures of women.  Caption them, label them, do whatever it takes to drive clicks and links based on these pictures.

Well, there are a few issues with applying Rule #5 to this blog.  First, the intent of this blog and the full implementation of Rule #5 are incongruent.

Second, although my wife had her M1 endorsement before we even met, she currently doesn't ride, nor works on the bikes (she'd probably be better at it than me, btw.)  So not even pics of her hands turning wrenches will appear.

So how can I post tasteful pics to "exploit" Rule #5?  I'VE GOT IT!  I have gotten to know some Lady Riders of all types of motorcycles and can feature the growing impact of female riders in all aspects of motorcycling while being respectful/honoring the "Fairer and Gentler Sex".  And sometimes downright faster sex, as today's picture shows.  It's from a women's only trackday at Chuckwalla Valley Speedway that was also a fundraising event.  There is already a group of women racers out at Chuckwalla, so the organizers (especially MamaWalla, I'm sure) set up a FemmeWalla Track Day a few years ago-I think this was the third installation.  Here's the pic:

A Group of Lady Riders At the FemmeWalla Trackday, Chuckwalla Motor Speedway.  And one scary Umbrella Boy!
Probably one of the few times calling a woman "Fast" wouldn't get you slapped!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Shameless self-promotion

As recently posted on this entry I have begun writing articles on Seeking Alpha, a financial website that features news articles and allows authors to publish articles on investments, primarily stocks, of interest.  I have focused primarily on companies I am familiar with, invest in, or track due to their notoriety.  Well, two articles might be of interest to my blog readers (all two of you):

Today I published an article on Polaris Industries titled "Polaris: Can This Star Keep Rising?"  It should be of interest to those who are interested in the company because they have rolled out the new Indian motorcycles and sell Victory motorycles.  The article can be read at this link.

A few weeks ago I also wrote about Harley-Davidson, looking at their price, value and how well the Motor Company has to execute in 2014 to justify the current stock price.  Here's the link to that article.

I hope you find the articles informative whether you choose to invest in these companies or just enjoy riding their motorcycles!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Haven't posted in a while

Been working long hours and getting the SeekingAlpha post count up lately but it's time to get going on the blogs as well.

One effort is claiming my blogs on Technorait, which requires a verification code.  So here goes:


That has nothing to do with motorcycling, motorcycle maintenance or any of my usual subjects.