A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Friday, March 9, 2012

It's going to be a beautiful weekend

I hope the weather is as nice where you are as it is going to be for us here in Southern California.  It is almost 80 degrees outside but a little on the windy side.  Both tomorrow and Sunday are supposed to be good days for riding-a little bit cooler, but also sunny.  While I have lots of "honey-do's" related to our recent move, I plan on getting some riding in.  I also know about CMA chapter rides, racing, folks headed to the desert.  I also have to get some maintenance done, and will likely partially disassemble the Connie to start bringing her back to life.

What kind of riding plans do you have?  Anyone having their first ride of the season this weekend?