A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Saturday, June 28, 2014

2nd Annual EXTORTION ONE SEVEN Memorial Poker Ride is a go!

After a slow start due to some fairly major medical issues for our Committe Chair, we are proud to announce "it's on like Donkey Kong"!  This year there are a few big changes-both Sweetwater Harley-Davidson (for the second year) and San Diego Harley-Davidson are hosting start and stop points.  We also have a full AR-15 and a mostly complete AR-15 and many other raffle prizes.  Route is still being developed but it's going to head east out of Sweetwater HD, hit some crooked roads, ensure everyone gets some smiles per gallon before heading over to SD HD.

2nd Annual EXTORTION ONE SEVEN Memorial Poker Run Flyer
All proceeds go to benefit the Navy SEAL Foundation and the EOD Warrior Foundation, two great charities that help out fallen SEAL and EOD techs' families and injured warriors.  We will be honoring and memorializing the SEALs, EOD techs, support specialists, aircrew and military working dog that were lost on August 6, 2011 on a mission to aid Army Rangers fighting a much larger number of insurgents in Wardak, Afghanistan.  There will be a short observance at the end of the ride to honor these men and K9 who gave their utmost for our freedom and for the people of Afghanistan.

It should be a good ride and event for a great cause.  Hope to see you there!