A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How far did you ride?

Today's post's title is a common question among motorcyclists, but it has many different meanings.

It could be "How far did you ride to get to this event?"  Did you come from across town, across the state or even farther?  It could be how far did you ride on an average day commuting-just a few miles on a small motorcycle to save wear and tear on your car, or was it a 100 mile one-way commute like some friends of mine have done here in Southern California!

It could be "How far did you ride on your summer trip?"  Was it a cross-country vacation?  Was it a multi-state or maybe even multi-country tour?  Often these trips will be 3,000 miles or more.  For one friend, "How far did you ride?" was the question after we found out he had participated in the Iron Butt Rally and had ridden over 11,000 miles-stopping for bike service and new tires while on the trip!

But today, it's "How far did you ride?" in your lifetime?  Do you actually track your lifetime miles as part of your motorcycle log/maintenance log?  I do, and last weekend I went over 75,000 miles so far as a motorcyclists.

Feel free to add your mileage to date in the comments.