A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Thursday, February 2, 2012

How many miles have you ridden?

Finally updated my mileage at the "Motorcycle Mileage Database", a website I came across a few years ago that you can register on, add your bikes and how many miles you've ridden each one, and it totals it and keeps a running tab.  Here's the link:  Motorcycle Mileage Database and before you even look, don't expect my name to be anywhere near the top!  There are some folks with insanely high mileage totals and daily mileage.  Mike Noonkester is the total mileage leader, with over 1,100,000 miles on a succession of Harleys and Hondas since 1946.  I just went over 65,000 this week, and while I may never reach 1M miles, I'm about 2/3s the way to my first 100,000.  Unless I pick up the riding per day, it will still take a while though.

Jim Brown, the webmaster of the site, also has a blog right here on Blogger.  Especially if you like to travel on a motorcycle, you should find it interesting.  I've actually e-mailed Jim a couple of times, and he is a stand-up guy.  Safe travels, Sir.

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