A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mira Mesa Bike Night (MMBN)/Bike bogging down?

Yes, it's Thursday, and yes, once again San Diego is having it's worst weather of the week.  But I've already ridden some today (more on that later) and I'm planning on heading out to MiraMesa Bike Night tonight.  I expect to see you there!  Some CMA'ers will be on hand, and we'll have flyers for the upcoming Rubio's Fundraiser on April 19th (an upcoming MMBN) to support our Run for the Son.  If I can figure out how to do it, I'll also attach the flyer to this blog before the 19th.

Ok, on to riding today.  At a few stoplights, I felt the bike bogging down, and wondering if I had some bad gas, water in the gas or some other problem.  Well, the real issue was I HAD NO GAS!  Gerbils in the brain get the wheels moving and I realize that when I checked the odometer I had gone far enough on this tank to need to flip on reserve.  So like a moron, there I am in the far left lane sputtering to a stop trying to flip my petcock to "reserve".  All I succeeded in doing at first was getting my glove stuck as bike slowed!  Crud, that's what I get for not practicing in the heavier gloves.  Finally it flips up, glove pops free, quickly to the clutch lever, downshift, rev to get fuel in carb bowls and off I go.

Despite that adventure, you still won't get me on a fuel injected bike!  Ride often and far, my friends-

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