A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Saturday, January 14, 2012

May have another bike to fix to help someone

While I thought my next post was going to be about some of the motorcycles I have owned over the years, yesterday I had one of those weird events that I've got to talk about.

I got back into town and was using the Super Shuttle to get home from the airport.  After dropping off the last passenger besides me, my driver started a conversation.  She actually brought up motorcycles before I did (rare enough) and mentioned her bike wasn't running.  So I asked her what kind is was, and she said a 2000 XL 883.  Similiar enough to my 99, right?  I asked her what her husband and she had done to try to get it running, and it sounds like an electrical problem.  I offered what help I could, and mentioned that some of my CMA buddies and I work together on maintenance and repairs, both to save money and hang out together.

Long story short, I handed her my CMA ride card and offered our help if her husband and she wanted it.  She had mentioned that a Harley technician would be too expensive right now but they wanted to get the bike running again so she could commute to where she picks up her van on it, and ride for fun.  I can imagine the difference in driving a Super Shuttle van most days, and getting on a bike!  When I told one of my CMA buddies who is on our "Mechanical" ministry team, he offered his help, so we'd have two guys for accountability and security.

Hope I hear from them, and signing off to go ride my Sportster.  I hope you are all enjoying your bikes this weekend.

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