A blog about motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle shops

Musings on riding and working on bikes, and observations as I travel and visits bikers, riders, motorcyclists, events and shops


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Quick update related to yesterday's post and time to do some BikeBandit shopping

Yesterday I FINALLY got back in the wind and it had probably been over a month since I have ridden.  I sold my Sportster earlier this year, had the 1994 Connie apart for restoration, and then lost the headlight on the 86 Connie.  So I started troubleshooting the 86 but couldn't solve the problem quickly, as I detailed in earlier posts about electrical gremlins.  I was going to scavenge parts from the 94, but that didn't work either.  Short on time and traveling for work, I began using my truck.  One week turned into two, into more work travel and next thing I know I hadn't ridden in far too long.  Monday my truck decided to also not run right (it's old, carbs still aren't quite set-up right, blah blah blah) and I had to get something else on the road.

So I did, and riding yesterday was great!  Sure some of it was riding in evening rush hour traffic, but at least I was on a bike!  Being in California, I also could "filter" or lane-split/share, a huge benefit both time and sanity wise.  Having not ridden I am adding a few extra miles to rides even.

With all that said, I realized I haven't changed the oil in "Belle" the 94 since I bought her in February and have no idea how long the oil was in the bike before that.  I need a filter and some parts for the CB 750 project bike, so I'll be on BikeBandit later today getting some motorcycle maintenance supplies.  I'm looking to do a Concours oil change, re-assemble the Honda CB750 as a rolling chassis at a minimum.  Depending on time and having another strong back to help I may even re-install the engine.  But I also want to ride!

Keep it dirty side down-or if you run rat bikes or beater-style, dirty side up and down!

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